Sat-Karam Foundation is predicated on the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, who taught us the virtue of ‘Sewa’. ‘Sewa’ means selfless service of humanity without any expectation of a reward in return. Guruji taught us to strive to develop 3 virtues in life: (1) Kirat Karna, (2) Naam Japna, & (3) Vand Chhakna.

While Kirat Karna connotes “to earn livelihood by doing hard work and through honest means”, Naam Japna is “to meditate” and Vand Chhakna is “to share and eat”. Here “eating” is used as a metaphor and it implies sharing all that we have, in addition to food.

It is on the premise of the 3rd virtue of “sharing” that at Sat-Karam Foundation we believe in sharing all that we have and what we collect as donations from our donors with poor and underprivileged of the society. Sat-Karam Foundation’s object is social welfare and to promote education amongst the underprivileged sections of the society who do not have even enough to make both ends meet let alone give education to their children.

How it All Started

This NGO was registered by two individuals one- Mr. Dattatray Sawant, who comes from a humble background and the other – Mr. Anuuj N Narula who has been fortunate enough to be blessed with certain more privileges in life.

Mr. Sawant, a teacher teaches in a Government/Municipal School in one of the suburbs in Mumbai and also plies auto-rickshaw in the second half of the day to augment his family income. During the peak days of the Pandemic of Covid-19 when even Ambulances would either refuse to take patients to the hospital for fear of getting affected by the disease or they would fleece the patients by charging exorbitant amounts, this humble man Sawant would ferry the patients to the hospitals free of charge even at midnight. His humanitarian gesture, even at the expense of his own exposure to the disease and even while he himself was not able to pay the monthly rent of his small room in one of the chawls in the suburbs of Mumbai, soon became talk of the town with all media houses- print, social and TV channels – writing and broadcasting his news.

Besides, the coverage by other TV Channels, NDTV in one of their programs got him on board where the Megastar Amitabh Bachchan felicitated him for his commendable service to the society. It is through media news that Mr. Anuuj N Narula, an Advocate by profession contacted this humble soul and offered to pitch in whatever he could to further the efforts of Mr. Sawant in serving the humanity.

One thing led to another and both of them decided to register a NGO and that is how “Sat-Karam Foundation” came to be registered on 25th October 2021.


We make a lot of effort to help achieve the global poverty rate decline support education for children living in poor families.